The Tecno Più Lathe Guard: How It Works and Why It’s Essential for Workshop Safety

Safety in the workshop is an absolute priority, especially when working with machine tools like lathes. In this post, we will show you how the Tecno Più PTO 01 lathe guard works—an essential accessory to ensure operator protection during turning operations.

Main Features

The PTO 01 guard is a classic model with a steel screen, designed to be positioned near the machine’s headstock. Available in various sizes, it is ideal for containing the motion of the lathe spindle, providing a physical barrier that significantly reduces risks.

The electrical component of the guard is connected via a sensor that manages the safety logic and ensures that the spindle automatically stops when the guard is opened.

Programming the Safety Module

The system is integrated with a programmable safety module that manages the emergency stop functions and guard closure control. This ensures that, in the event of the guard being opened, the spindle’s power supply is cut off, preventing potential accidents.


The PTO 01 lathe guard is not only easy to install but also designed to provide a high level of safety. With proper programming, it ensures that the spindle stops immediately when the guard is opened, protecting the operator from potential hazards. For more information or to request a consultation, please visit our website.

For more information on perimeter guards for machines, visit the website. Tecno Più :